Unveiling the Sleep Savior: Magnesium Glycinate

The Importance of Quality Sleep

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, quality sleep often takes a back seat. However, it’s crucial for overall health and well-being. Adequate sleep not only rejuvenates the body and mind but also plays a pivotal role in cognitive function, mood regulation, and immune system maintenance.

Introducing Magnesium Glycinate

Among the myriad of solutions for improving sleep, magnesium glycinate emerges as a standout player. Magnesium is an essential mineral involved in over 300 biochemical reactions in the body, including those that regulate sleep. Magnesium glycinate, a form of magnesium bound to glycine, offers enhanced bioavailability and absorption compared to other forms, making it an optimal choice for promoting restful sleep.

How Magnesium Glycinate Enhances Sleep Quality

  1. Regulation of Neurotransmitters: Glycine, an amino acid present in magnesium glycinate, acts as an inhibitory neurotransmitter, calming the central nervous system and promoting relaxation. This neurotransmitter modulation helps to initiate and maintain deep sleep stages, ensuring a more restorative sleep experience.
  2. Muscle Relaxation: Magnesium is known for its muscle-relaxing properties. By regulating calcium levels within muscle cells, magnesium promotes muscle relaxation, alleviating tension and discomfort that may interfere with falling asleep or staying asleep throughout the night. This relaxation effect extends to the cardiovascular system, supporting healthy blood pressure levels and further facilitating a peaceful sleep environment.
  3. Stress Reduction: Chronic stress is a significant contributor to sleep disturbances. Magnesium plays a crucial role in the regulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, the body’s central stress response system. By modulating cortisol levels and promoting the release of calming neurotransmitters like GABA, magnesium glycinate helps mitigate the effects of stress, promoting a tranquil state conducive to restful sleep.

In a world inundated with distractions and stressors, prioritizing quality sleep is more important than ever. Magnesium glycinate offers a natural and effective solution for those seeking to improve their sleep quality without experiencing morning grogginess or other adverse effects associated with certain sleep aids. By harnessing the synergistic benefits of magnesium and glycine, this powerhouse supplement supports relaxation, muscle comfort, and stress resilience, paving the way for a rejuvenating night’s rest and a refreshed morning outlook. Say goodbye to sleepless nights and groggy mornings – embrace the sleep savior, magnesium glycinate, and reclaim your path to restorative sleep.

Job Loss to Blockchain

The United Nations has a Conference on Trade and Development. An interesting article was posted on their site, titled “Who are the blockchain winners and losers?”, focusing on growing concern over anticipated job loss that will specifically be driven by the mass implementation of blockchain technology.

Part of the focus of the article points out that traditionally technological innovation has impacted blue collars more so than white-collar ones. Job loss to blockchain is far more likely to impact white-collar workers and those who work for “middlemen”. Much of the focus on the post is on the impact expected in logistics, which essentially means getting things from one place to another. In the US, there is already a sweeping wave of modernization programs as the nation’s large and small logistics firms using blockchain, almost all of which will lead to workforce reductions. Profits will go up, but more classifications of jobs will shrink or disappear, often leaving workers in the lurch. Unfortunately for dedicated workers, who may face job loss to blockchain innovation, the gains in profit that blockchain promises are expected to be immense, so little hope exists that mass blockchain implementation is expected.

Interesting, unlike with some other types of technical advancements, it appears that job loss to blockchain innovation is unlikely to create any new jobs in the process. Its just a job eliminator.

What do you think?

Filling Jobs of the Future Requires Effort to Upskill Workers Now

Right now Texas has a red hot economy with t a thriving job market. Deloitte & Touche is one of the world’s premier consulting and advisory services. In an article published in March of 2019 edition of the Houston Business Journal titled “Workforce of the future: Now’s the time to start closing the skills gap”, the Houston Office managing partner of Deloitte, Amy Chronis, makes the case that too many of today’s workers don’t have the core skills that they will need to work in a number of jobs of the future. She is correct to point out that the skills gap lies ahead and the manufacturing sector is humming along currently in Texas, but more needs to be done now to meet the future demands.

One of the most impactful points in the article reads as follows: “We need far more participation across companies and institutions to make progress on this front: only two in 10 manufacturers say they collaborate with the government, while just over three in 10 report relationships with private education or training institutes to train workers, according to Deloitte’s manufacturing study.”

If many of today’s top-performing manufacturing firms and colleges are not investing in this upskilling to fill the jobs of the future, how will those who want or need to transition into new lines of work, or those who will be just joining the workforce in the future be able to be relevant?

What do you think?         

The Future is Now: Robots Are Coming for Your Job

The workplace is changing, and Americans have to prepare. Doing so requires having a realistic vision of what the future holds: just how many jobs will robots replace, and what will displaced workers do?

“In the long run, nearly all current jobs will go away,” says UC Berkeley computer scientist Stuart Russell. Russell envisions “an economy where far fewer people work because work is unnecessary.”

Expect to see less work in manufacturing, less work in call centers, and less work driving trucks, reports CNN. In fact, study after study reveals that automation will have an enormous effect on the workforce—from moderate displacement to a total workforce overhaul. One such study predicts that hundreds of millions of people worldwide will have to find new jobs or learn new skills.

But AFL-CIO Secretary-Treasurer Liz Shuler isn’t caving to the dystopia. “The scare tactics are a little extreme,” she argues. “Every time a technological shift has taken place in this country, there have been those doomsday scenarios.”

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Perhaps. But automation has sped up, making it harder for workers, employers, and the government to adjust. So, ideally, workers will have to meet the robots in the middle. “We’re going to work alongside technology as it evolves,” says Shuler. “New work is going to emerge.”

While Shuler works on the here and now, others are envisioning the long term. “We need a radical rethinking of our educational system and our scientific enterprise to focus more attention on the human rather than the physical world,” writes Russell. “It sounds odd to say that happiness should be an engineering discipline, but that seems to be the inevitable conclusion.”

How are you preparing for the robots’ arrival?

Future Proof Your Job

“Future Proof” Your Job…. What To Do?

In an interesting article, TechRepublic (www.techrepublic.com) tackled the tough and uncomfortable subject of job elimination due to technology advancements.

In the article entitled “How to future-proof your career: 5 tips“, they report that “The rise of automation and artificial intelligence (AI) has brought a bevy of concerns for many US workers, who remain fearful that these technological movements could take their jobs. While many believe humans will work with robots instead of being replaced by them, the reality is that robots will kill 36 million American jobs in the next decade”. There is no doubt that many people are rightly frightened by the coming job elimination due to technology, so some tips to staying relevant are certainly welcome. Unfortunately, it would seem that these tips, while well-intended, may not be tangible enough or even available to use in a meaningful way.

Future Proof Jobs

The “tips” include “Be Open, Be Greedy About Experiences and Bounce Forward”. Hmmm. Let’s assume that one is already open to the idea of staying employed and being able to eat and pay rent. We doubt that there are many people who are more open to having their job eliminated than to transitioning to a new position. Be Greedy is basically their way of better your self when you can. Not a real stretch to assume that if you are worried about your job, that you won’t try and better yourself when you can. Unfortunately, many current jobs don’t really allow us lots of new opportunities to take advantage of. Lastly, Bounce Forward means to turn your failures into life lessons and come out of them in a better place. Well, it seems like that too is some generic advice and, by the way, doing this is one of the most common for challenges in all aspects of life for everyone, everywhere. Not really the job elimination due to technology help one didn’t already grasp.

Take a look at their article and tell us what you think.

Upskilling Will Save Worker’s Job

The fear of losing ones job to technology is real. While the global economy is positioned to see job growth for the next few years, it is important to understand that the real effects of job loss from AI, robotics, blockchain and autonomous transportation haven’t really begun.

Upskilling Workers

A leader in the development of AI and a benefactor of robotics / automation and the potential for autonomous transportation is obviously Amazon. Yes, these efforts will disrupt jobs, but Amazon recently announced that they intend to invest in upskilling much of their human workforce to become viable employees performing new jobs.

In a recent press release Amazon pledged to upskill 100,000 US based workers through programs like their Associate2Tech and Amazon Technical Academy programs.

Obviously this is great news for Amazon employees who face job elimination in the future, but what happens to the millions and millions of people who don’t work for the few firms like Amazon that have such programs? Certainly other employers will also have new jobs being created as advancements threaten existing jobs. The real problem will be for the average person, whose job is seeming swept away overnight, to react and find a way to upskill quickly and still feed a family.

Do you currently see any real opportunities for the average person to upskill on their own outside or enrolling in college or a formal training school?

Don’t expect to Upskill with Current Employer

Need to Upskill to Stay Employed. Don’t Look to Your Current Employer

CEO Upskilling

In a rather remote corner of the internet news world, an article / press release appeared on Yahoo Finance that is worthy of consideration by those who are concerned with the potential of losing their job to artificial intelligence. It is natural to assume that if such disruption is imminent, that one’s employer would be eager to help their employees upskill and migrate to new, hopefully, more profitable work. Of all the areas of the economy, one would naturally think that “Tech” is the one space that would be heavily involved in upskilling tech workers for the future. Many headlines read that STEM related jobs and tech jobs in particular, which will be the hot, in-demand jobs of the future, would need workers.

Unfortunately, this piece published by KPMG seems to have popped that bubble. The title, Tech CEOs Hesitant to Upskill Workforce Despite Anticipated Impact Of Artificial Intelligence On Jobs: KPMG Report reports that only 42 percent of tech CEOs surveyed planned on large scale workforce upskilling in the next three years.

If the Tech Sector is not interested in serious upskilling due to job loss from AI, what will become of the all the workers in other, less in-demand industries?

Lets us know what you think.

Electronic Strike Zone: Human Umpires vs. Robo Umps

The technology is here, but are baseball fans ready for robo umps? Human umpires will keep their jobs, but the job will not look the same.

The electronic strike zone could be one of the most significant changes to the game, according to the Bleacher Report. Throughout baseball history, players and fans trusted the eyesight and judgement of the human umpire. But, while he’ll continue to stand behind the plate, the ump now rely on laser readings of balls and strikes.

Some players worry that robo umps will remove the human element from the game, but others are excited about improving call accuracy. And to make matters more complicated, the umpire contract ends after this season. on.

Do you think an electronic strike zone will make baseball better or worse?

20 Million Manufacturing Jobs Displaced by Machines

Machines are expected to displace about 20 million manufacturing jobs across the world. That’s according to a recent report from global forecasting and quantitative analysis firm Oxford Economics. Because of this, Amazon is helping U.S. workers stay employed in this increasingly automated economy.

To do so, Amazon will spend $700 million over the next six years to help retrain a third of its U.S. workers, reports CNN Business. The voluntary training—available to 100,000 by 2025—comes in addition to the company’s existing programs and initiatives.

Consequently, the training will enable Amazon employees move into more advanced jobs or, if necessary, into new positions outside the company. Warehouse workers in fulfillment centers, for example, could be trained technical roles in IT. Amazon’s initiative comes in response to the replacement of human workers by robots and artificial intelligence.

“While many of our employees want to build their careers here, for others it might be a stepping stone to different aspirations,” Amazon’s Beth Galetti said in a prepared statement. “We think it’s important to invest in our employees and to help them gain new skills and create more professional options for themselves.”

What will happen to your job when robots displace 8.5 percent of the global manufacturing workforce?

Will AI Steal Food and Fashion Jobs?

Teaching artificial intelligence how (in what order) to construct a pizza may lead to bigger things. But can a computer ever replace your favorite pizza maker?

Researchers and MIT and Qatar Computing Research Institute built an AI system that can look at a photo of a pizza and deduce whether the sauce, cheese, or toppings come first, reports CNN Business. Computers can already learn how to identify specific objects in images, but when some of those objects are partially hidden, it becomes more difficult for them to figure out what they’re looking at.

But why bother? “Food is a big aspect of our lives, and also cooking, so we wanted to have a model that could understand food in general,” MIT researcher Dimitrios Papadopoulos told CNN Business. He believes that this research could lead to non-food applications as well.

Take clothes, for example: a digital shopping assistant may one day us AI to figure out how to assemble a fashionable ensemble. “It’s exactly the same idea,” explains Papadopoulos. “You don’t try to add pepperoni; you try to add a jacket.”

Do you anticipate a day when computers replace pizza makers and stylists?