Even the comedians are dialed into A.I.

Even the comedians are dialed into A.I. and Robot Job Losses on the horizon, but the last laugh might be on us.

Comedian and host of the HBO show Last Week Tonight, John Oliver, aired a segment in which he focused on the theme that children may not be ready for the effects of the ever approaching rise of A.I. and robotics replacing real workers and eliminating jobs.

Oliver took his usual pot shots at President Trump and his focus on increasing manufacturing jobs in the US, which appear very likely to be replaced by automation like robots, but he also added the advances in A.I. may accelerate job losses.

Oliver goes on to ask a group of children what they want to do for work when they grow up and reports that each will be replaced by a robot and that they need to choose another job. The video, although crude in several parts, is actually quite funny. In the end, with advances in A.I., robotics, machine learning and blockchain, the job losses may ultimately leave fifty percent of the population without a job.

What do you think?