Upskilling and Re-Skilling Will Be the Hallmarks or Long-Term Future Employment

As intellectuals argue about what impact new technologies and innovations will have on the labor market, it is extremely unlikely that it will be minimal and that massive numbers of new vocations will be created. Employers want nothing more than to cut costs, reduce disruptions and automate. AI, machine learning, blockchain, robotics, autonomous vehicles and […]

Will 3D Printers, Robotics, and AI Create Manufacturing Jobs in Ohio?

Northeast Ohio grudgingly said goodbye to traditional jobs and prepares to adapt to the future of manufacturing, starting with 3D printers. Tens of thousands of steel and automobile manufacturing jobs have disappeared from the Youngstown, Ohio region. But local leaders hope that a new wave of industry can revitalize the area, reports CNN Business. Specifically, […]

2018 Was the Year of the Robot

U.S. companies installed more robots in 2018 than ever before, thanks to a decrease in prices and an increase in flexibility. And for the first time ever, car plants aren’t accounting for more than half of those sales. Shipments of robots grew by nearly 16 percent from 2017 to 2018, reports Reuters. And that growth […]

PepsiCo Will Pay a Fortune to Replace Human Workers with Automation

PepsiCo will pay hundreds of millions of dollars in severance pay to laid-off workers in Texas and New York as it replaces humans with automation. CEO Ramon Laguarta said PepsiCo is “relentlessly automating” with the “best new technologies.” In other words, reports Business Insider, the company’s four-year restructuring plan includes cutting jobs in Texas and […]

The American AI Initiative: Trump Signs Executive Order on Artificial Intelligence

On Feb. 11, 2019, President Trump signed an executive order establishing the American AI Initiative. The goal: to position the U.S. as the world leader in artificial intelligence. The initiative includes five major areas of action but lacks specific strategic steps, reports IEEE Spectrum’s Tech Talk blog. In fact, artificial intelligence experts believe it’s little […]

Marty the Grocery Store Robot Is Keeping Aisles Clear

Meet Marty, the grocery store robot. This new “employee” is utilizing artificial intelligence to monitor aisles and keep them clear. A command center in the Philippines controls Marty, reports AP technology writer Matt O’Brien. More specifically, the wheeled robot sends images of spills and messes to the center’s human workers, who in turn trigger cleanup […]

Alibaba Uses AI to Reduce City’s Traffic Congestion

Hangzhou’s seven million residents are reaping enormous traffic reduction benefits thanks to artificial intelligence called City Brain. City Brain was developed by Alibaba, which makes its home in the eastern Chinese city. Once ranked fifth among China’s most-congested cities, Hangzhou is now 57th on the list, according to a CNN report. The AI invention gathers […]