Self-Driving Semi Truck Completes Cross-Country Test Drive

Integrating self-driving systems into existing semi-trucks creates autonomous vehicles that do not rely on human drivers for long hauls.

Embark, a San Francisco startup, successfully programmed a Peterbilt semi-truck to drive from Los Angeles to Jacksonville, reports CNBC’s Lora Kolodny. That is, incredibly, a journey of 2,400 miles without a human behind the wheel. In fact, the company, has already integrated the self-driving system into five semis and plans to equip 40 more trucks this year. In doing so, Embark can test the software and on-board sensors that map surroundings in real time and enable the vehicles to avoid obstacles. Bottom line, Embark aims to outfit trucks to drive themselves on freeways.

The self-driving system does not entirely replace truckers, who will take the wheel to navigate exit ramps and towns. Rather, it will enable drivers to more effectively cover long routes and make more deliveries in less time.

What do you think are the biggest benefits and challenges of self-driving haulers?