Women’s Jobs at Higher Risk of Being Eliminated by Automation

In an interesting new perspective on the coverage of how automation is likely to drastically reduce jobs, the UK has noted that many of the initial jobs that may be eliminated by technological automation like AI, robotics, blockchain and autonomous transportation are jobs currently held predominately by women. An article in the Independent (link to https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/women-uk-jobs-rate-automation-young-people-robots-ai-a8840226.html ) outlined some key elements of a UK government study.

The article references three occupations with the highest probability of automation were found to be waiters and waitresses, shelf-stackers and basic retail roles but, women in more advanced jobs are also more likely to lose their job to automation.

This article also references that younger people will also be at higher risk of having their jobs eliminated and that they will have limited opportunities to learn about their industry and career when the entry level jobs no longer exist.

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